Our Blog Has Moved

Our Blog has moved!

We have moved our blog and put it on the main HCG Weight Loss Clinic site.

CLICK HERE to go to it!

We are looking forward to seeing you there

Day 13 For Mr HCG

To The Ladies At The HCG Weight Loss Clinic

Well Day 13 and no weight loss and no worries!

Last night I decided that I was going to try something that was not on the diet. I mean I have been eating nothing but healthy food that has not been processed and is 100% HCG diet friendly.

I was going to eat something that was fried, deep fried or chicken fried!

So there it was. A huge bag of potato chips! Just so know I am not talking about some fancy vegetable potato chips or some type of baked potato chips. I am talking about good old fried potato chips!

Now before the diet, I would grab a handful and stuff as many chips as I could into my mouth. This time I decided that I was just going to try a couple of them, walk away, and then see what happens. So I grabbed my 2 potato chips and then walked away. I inhaled the chips thinking about the times past when I used to love eating potato chips and how great they tasted!

I am not going to lie......the chips tasted great!

Then a few minutes past and the grease hit my stomach. I felt like crap! I felt like I had just eaten 2 bricks! My stomach was heavy and not happy. This feeling is definitely a cure for eating like crap! So let me tell you ladies that there will be no more chips for Mr. HCG!

On a side note I have to tell you that being on the HCG Weight Loss Clinic diet has been fantastic. I know that being as big as I am and also being a man has allowed me some great success on the diet. Lottie has always told me that I will have great results because of weight and that fact that men burn fat a lot faster that women. Lottie says (correct me if I am wrong) that a man's muscle mass is greater than a woman's and therefore allows the man to burn the fat at a faster rate. I am sure Lottie can and will elaborate more as to the facts of why this happens.

Thanks again for everything!

Success Stories

Day 11 and 12 For Mr HCG

To The Ladies At The HCG Weight Loss Clinic

Another weekend and another brutal time making sure I followed the diet. It is really hard to stick to a diet when it is summer time in Montana. It seems like there is always another BBQ to go to or something fun to do!

I followed the diet all weekend.....until Sunday night.

We ended up going over to some friends house and I ate some items that were not on the HCG Weight Loss Clinic diet's menu. I might of also had a second helping too. I knew that we were going to go to the BBQ, so I backed way off on all of the food that I ate prior to the BBQ. You might say that I was waiting to take in all of my calories at once.

Now here is the surprising part.

Monday morning rolled around and needless to say, I was a little nervous about getting on the scale. I had a feeling that I was going to have gained at least 5 pounds back. However, when I got on the scale this morning I was shocked to see it read 263 pounds. That puts me down 20 pounds since I started the diet.

Of course losing 20 pounds sounds fantastic, however when you start out at 283 pounds it doesn't sound that great! Losing 20 pounds from starting point of around 280 pounds and wanting to celebrate the success of this is kind of like throwing a deck chair off of the Titanic. Sure it sounds good, but really what has that accomplished?

Ok I am just messing with you ladies! I think that it is fantastic that I have lost 20 pounds!

Thank you for all of your support and help with this journey.

Day 10 For Mr HCG

To The Ladies At The HCG Weight Loss Clinic

Well day 10 was very interesting. I got on the scale this morning and I did not lose any weight!

I did not cheat and I stayed 100% true to the HCG Diet.

I guess I will be throwing a plateau breaker into the mix today. I am still not too worried about it.

I will let you know how the plateau breaker works!

Tuna Boat Salad

We just received this recipe from Wendy.

Tuna Boat Salad

3.5 oz tuna

1/2 Cucumber Chopped

1 Green Onion

Walden Farm's Ranch Dressing

Mustard To Taste

Pepper To Taste

Cayenne Pepper To Taste

Mix Together and fill 4-5 Crisp Romaine Lettuce Leaves

Thank you Wendy for sending this recipe to us! We really appreciate it!

Day 7 and 8 For Mr HCG

To The Ladies At The HCG Weight Loss Clinic

Well things are still going good on the diet. I am now down to 267 pounds. So the weight is continuing to drop, which is really nice to see. The diet is really easy to follow.

One of the simple rules that I use when trying to decide if it is something that I should eat or not is to just see if the food has been processed. Processed food seems to always contain a ton of sodium and sugar. This one simple rule eliminates so much food and keeps me on track while I am on the HCG Diet.

I do have to tell you that I have started to step up my work out routine while on the diet. I have found that this has also just drained my energy level. I believe that I need to either back off the working out until the diet is over or I need to eat more calories. Can you give me a recommendation on which is best?

Overall the weight is coming off and that feels great!

When I started this diet my goal was to be down 20 pounds in 21 days. However now that I have been on the diet for just over a week, I am increasing that goal to 30 pounds in 21 days.

We will see what happens!

Walden Farm's

We just got in a couple of ne Walden Farm's Products.

Ranch Chipolte, Ginger Sesame and everyone's favorite Carmel Syrup are now in the store!

Make sure you swing in and pick some up!

Our store hours are

Monday -- 11am to 6pm

Tuesday -- 11am to 5pm

Wednesday -- 11am to 7pm

Thursday 11am to 6pm

Friday 11am to 5pm

Saturday 11am to 2:30pm

Day 5 and 6 For Mr HCG

To The Ladies At The HCG Weight Loss Clinic

How can I put this.......THE WEEKEND SUCKED!

Weekends are abosutley brutal while on this diet.

It is so hard to not cheat! It seemed like everytime I turned around I found myself at another BBQ being offered something to drink or eat that was not on the diet. Then when I did eat the food it was so darn good that it was almost impossible to not go back for seconds, and thirds and fourths, etc. So you are probably wondering if I held true to the diet and did not cheat. Well to be honest with you. I cheated. Not bad but I still did.

On Saturday I took in about 1,100 calories and on Sunday I ate around 900. Still not too bad.

One thing that I did find and I would recommend it to anyone that has an Iphone, Droid, or any other type of smart phone is to download one of the many free applications that are available that count the calories for you. These applications make calorie counting simple. Most of these applications have every type of food that you can imagine. They even have a lot of the food that is available at restaurants. So if you can download any of these free applications for your phone, do it.

Ok back to the diet.

I did not jump on the scale all weekend. So when this morning came I was a little nervous as to what the results might be. When I got on the scale this morning I weighed in at 269 pounds. That floored me! I assumed that because I cheated over the weekend that I would have gained weight. I started the diet exactly 1 week ago and I have lost a total of 14 pounds. I am pretty happy with the results!

I am looking forward to the next 2 weeks!

Thank you for all of your support

Day 4 For MR HCG

To The Ladies At The HCG Weight Loss Clinic

Well day 4 was very interesting. I had absoultely fantastic energy all day. It is amazing how much energy I had.

I do have to tell you that I did get a little carried away with my calorie intake on Day 4 of the diet.

Between the fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins I ended up taking in just under 1,100 calories. I am pretty sure that I lost count somewhere throughout the day.

Probably the most interesting thing is that I ate absolutely NO processed food and even though I took in WAY too many calories I still managed to lose weight. When I jumped on the scale this morning I weighed in at 274 lbs.

That puts me down 9 pounds in just under 5 days.

I have to admit that I am pretty excited about how things are going.

Day 3 For Mr HCG

To The Ladies At The HCG Weight Loss Clinic

Well Day 3 was not bad at all. I did not crave food. When I did eat, it felt good to eat nothing but healthy food. The fruit, vegetables, and lean protein are a fantastic change from all of the normal processed food that I would eat.

I also had fantastic energy all day. I did not feel tired and once again I did not have that mid afternoon slug feeling set in.

When I got on the scale this morning after day 3 it was nice to see that I dropped another 3 pounds, which puts me at 278.

I will keep you ladies posted on my progress!

Thank you for all of the support

Day 2 For Mr HCG

To The Ladies at The HCG Weight Loss Clinic

Well day 2 of gorging is now done. Thank God! I am sure I pounded down more than 5,000 calories for the day. Around 7pm last night I thought that I had gorged too much. I felt like CRAP! My stomach was full beyond belief and I couldn't stop sweating. I did not enjoy it at all.

When I woke up this morning the first thing I did was take my HCG Lozenge. Nothing new to talk about here. The HCG Lozenge dissolves quickly and tastes good.

Once I was done with the HCG Lozenge I then jumped on the scale to check the damage from me gorging like a lunatic. I was extremely shocked to see the scale read 281 lbs. So I jumped on the scale again and I got the same number. So it looks like things are quickly starting to go the right way. That puts me 2 pound below my starting weight from when I start the HCG Weight Loss Diet program and 4 pounds below the peak weight on my second day.

This is the first day of the HCG Weight Loss Diet program that I have to follow the diet and watch what I eat. I will update you ladies tomorrow morning on how today went.

Day 1 For MR HCG

Here is the email that we recevied from Mr HCG about his first day on the HCG Weight Loss Clinic Diet. We will post these each day when we get them.

To The Ladies at The HCG Weight Loss Clinic

Well today is day #1 of my 21 day program with the HCG Weight Loss Clinic Diet. I decided to take the lozenges versus the shots or drops. The drops seemed like it would take too much time out of my day to take them and the shots, well it seemed like everyone was taking the shots so I thought that I would be different.

I jumped on the the scale first thing in the morning to check the damage and see how much weight I needed to lose. Well I was a little shocked to see that I tipped the scale at 283 lbs. So I guess I am going to put this diet to the test and see just how good it does.

I took my first HCG Lozenge Monday morning first thing. I was surprised at the taste of the lozenge. It had a wintergreen flavor to it. It actually tasted like a really weak Altoid breath mint. I didn't time how long it took to dissolve but it was quick, maybe a couple of minutes at most.

Day #1 is the gorge day. As you ladies know I have no trouble with eating. I think that I will spare you the details of everything that I ate. Let's just leave it at I ate everything and lots of it! I am completely guessing but I would guess that I ate at least 5,000 calories. I ate so much food that I felt horrible towards the end of the day.

I found this very interesting because after I took the HCG first thing in the morning I felt alert and I was alert all day. I didn't have the 2:30 sluggish feeling set in. It wasn't until my 5,000 calorie intake finally caught up with me at 8pm that I started to feel tired.

Just so you ladies know, I am not taking anything but the HCG Lozenge. I want to put this diet to the test!

As I am writing this email to you, it is early Tuesday morning and Day#2 of my 21 Day HCG Weight Loss Clinic Diet program. I took my HCG Lozenge first thing in the morning at the same time.

When I jumped on the scale this morning I witnessed something that completely blew me away. You might say that I did very very very good on the first gorge day. I tipped the scale this morning at 285 lbs. I guess those 5,000 calories hit me pretty hard. Oh well I will enjoy these 2 gorge days to the fullest and then it will be time to get to work!

I will keep you posted each day with my progress!

What Mr HCG describes above is very common. We are very thankful that he is going to email us his progress each day.


We have had something happen over the weekend that is very interesting and exciting. We just had a new client sign up that has enrolled in a 21 day program and has decided to take the lozenges. This is very exciting for a couple of reasons. First, we get the ability to help another person and that is simply fantastic! The second exciting part of this is that this client has decided to email us his progress every single day and has agreed to let us put the information on our blog! Now the one thing that he did ask is that he remain anonymous. That is why we will call him Mr HCG, for now. We are sure that at the end of his 21 days program that he is going to get fantastic results and we will be able to talk him into letting us put his pictures up. We have 21 days to convince him! We will get the first post up as soon as we get it!

Clinic Tonight

Make sure you sign up for our FREE online clinic tonight at 6pm mst. You can register by clicking here

New Website!

We are excited to let you know that our new website is now LIVE!

To check it out CLICK HERE

Make sure you look at the whole site because we have some exciting new features

New Site

Well we have been very quiet on this blog and we would like to apologize for that. We have been working extremely hard on a new website as well as some exciting new products. So make sure you stay tuned in the coming week!

Happy 4th

We want to wish all of you a blessed and fantastic 4th of July weekend!

HCG Get Together

We are thinking about having a HCG get together.

We want to show off our new office and give an
opportunity for people to meet other people that
have gone through our program. That way you
can share stories, recipes, ideas, etc.

However we need something from you.

We want to know when you would like to do it?

Email us and tell us what month and date works
best for you.

Once we have an idea that works best we will
let you know when we will be having it.

Email us at

Online Webinar/Free Clinic

We are having a ton of people joining us every Tuesday night for our online webinar. The material we cover in our online webinar is the EXACT SAME material that we cover in our office clinics. With the online webinar you can receive all of the same information from the comfort of your own home! Go ahead and register for our next online webinar by going here We are looking forward to seeing you next Tuesday!

Fantastic Story

We just received this email and we knew that as soon as we read it we just had to share it with you!

I can never thank you enough for calling me the first part of May, you helped change my life. I started the HCG diet May 4th, today May 23 I have lost 25 lbs. I have along way to go but as you know you have to start somewhere. Thank you for pushing me out of my comfort zone and getting me on the right track. I hope someday I can be an inspiration to others like you were to me. Again thank you from the bottom of my belly.


Rhonda's Limeaide


Juice of one lime
lemon flavored stevia drops

pour lime juice over ice, add stevia and water to taste. (might be good with cherry stevia drops too)

Spicy Thai Peanut Shrimp Salad Submitted by Rhonda!

Spicy Thai peanut shrimp salad

Bamboo skewers
Red pepper
Red onion
medium sized precooked shrimp from the meat dept
Walden Farms Asian dressing
Walden Farms whipped peanut spread
Mrs. Dash southwest chipotle seasoning blend
Bragg's liquid aminos
fresh spinach leaves
romaine lettuce

Place bamboo skewers in a shallow dish and cover with water to soak for at least 30 minutes.
clean red pepper, remove seeds and place sections skin side up on a baking sheet. Broil until skins are blackened. Remove from oven and place in a paper bag to cool. Once cooled, remove skins and slice into strips (make extra for future recipes)
Mix WF Asian dressing (about 1/4 cup), a few shakes of Mrs. Dash SW Chipotle seasoning, approximately 4 TBS of WF peanut butter spread, and one squirt of Bragg's (adjust quantities to your taste). Whisk all ingredients together until smooth. Reserve one half of mixture and stir shrimp into the remaining half. Allow shrimp to marinate for at least 30 minutes or more. Thread shrimp onto skewers, spooning liquid onto shrimp to coat and grill until heated, basting with excess liquid (shrimp is precooked so this is okay).
Served shrimp warm on a bed of romaine and spinach leaves with strips of roasted red pepper and thinly sliced red onion. Use the reserved half of the peanut/asian mixture as dressing.

Submitted by Rhonda!

Have a great recipe? This is the place to leave it!

Just comment below and we can ad it to the Blog... This blog is a place for you to share your recipes and stories! We love hearing from all of you!

NEW RECIPE!!!! HCG Frappe'

Teresa told me I had to post this recipe for you, so here it is!!

It's for a sort of a frappe'

1 cup (6oz) coffee
1 packet Stevia
1 T marshmallow cream (Walden Farms)
1 T carmel (Walden Farms)

Place all in a blender and blend while adding ice and water until to the desired consistency.


New Recipe! Spicy Buffalo Steak Strips

Spicy buffalo steak strips

3.5 oz accetable steak sliced into finger width strips
Franks hot sauce
dash of pepper
dash of garlic powder
4 melba snack crackers(garlic flavored)
cut steak into strips and place in a small bowl with franks hot sauce and coat well. The more franks the hotter the less the milder. Then put your melba snacks into a food processor or blender and grind to a powder pour out your ground melba snacks in a bowl add a dash pepper and a dash garlic salt and stir. Take your well coated steak strips and gently coat in the melba crumb mixture and cook in fry pan on med-med high heat about 3 mins. be careful turning or all your crumb will fall off. if you pan is sticky I keep a small spray bottle of water nearby and mist the pan occasionally. Cause I like it spicy i sprinkle a few extra drops franks on top of the plate and place my strip in it and devour! Hope you like as well as I do! good luck and good cooking!
Submitted by Katrina

Have a great recipe? This is the place to leave it!

Just comment below and we can ad it to the Blog... This blog is a place for you to share your recipes and stories! We love hearing from all of you!

New Recipe - Amazing Chicken Tacos

Submitted By Katrina
OK I made these tonight for dinner and they were to die for! Mike and I both had hot tongues and runnny noses but WOW i would have paid money in a resterant for theses! ok promise me you will try it!! I know I am not supposed to mix the veggis but I had to use them up or throw them away.
3.5 ounces chicken
1/4 cup chicken broth
a strong dash or 2 garlic powder
3-4 shakes oregano
3 twists on the italian herb seasoning grinder
2 good shakes chili powder
half a teaspoon creole seasoning
2 good sized romaine lettuce leaves
a few slivers of onion and 4 slices tomatoe
put chicken broth in frying pan and add all the seasonings and a pinch of chopped onion. Use kitchen sissors to sliver/cube up you chicken, add to the pan and coat well. cook on high heat if liquid evaporates add a few tablespoons of water to re-liquify the seasonings off the bottom of the pan and continue to coat/stir the chicken in the seasonings till done. takes about 3 minutes. set your now wonderfully seasoned chicken aside off heat. take your nice big lettuce leaves and place on a plate. I took one extra leaf and shredded it up and put it in the big leaf and then placed half the chicken in the leaf. I sliced 2 slices of tomato and a slice of onion on top and a tablespoon HCG acceptable salsa on top AND REPEAT FOR THE REMAINING CHICKEN. 2 "TACOS" WAS SUPER FILLING AND WAY YUMMY

Recipe of the Day! Spicy Asian Chicken

Spicy Asian Chicken
3.5 oz Shredded Boiled Chicken Breast and a Healthy Bunch of Chopped Celery Stewed in the following:

Tablespoon Minced Garlic

Strong Dash of Cayenne Pepper

Chopped Green Onions

Curry Powder (Add To Taste)

Water Enough to Float the Garlic

Cover and Simmer. Sprinkle with salt substitute and eat while celery is a bit crunchy

New Recipe- No-Egg Rolls

Egg rolls
1 big cabage leaf
1/2 c shredded cabbage
1/8 t onion powder
1/8 t garlic powder
1/8 t chinese 5 spice (i didnt have that so i used creole seasoning)
1/4 - 1/2 packet stevia (CALLS FOR A HALF i USED ABOUT A 1/4)
1 sesame flavored melba toast
3.5oz chopped chicken or shrimp

New Recipe - Katrina's Super Soup

Heres my Super yummy soup! I made this tonight and it was awesome~! Just wanted to share with everyone!
3.5oz amount of chicken breast
1/2 qt water
1/2tbs better then boullion chicken base
1/4 a large onion sliced
4 stalks celery sliced
a bag of miracle noodles rinsed well

Put water, boullion, celery, and onion in pot and bring to boil. Add chicken reduce heat to medium-med high simmer till veggis are tender and chicken is cooked. remove chicken and place in bowl. add miracle noodles and bring back to a boilfor a minute or 2. While boiling shred the chicken then top with the remaining soup. pepper to taste and super yummy!

We would love to hear your HCG story!

We would love to hear/share your stories and try your favorite HCG recipes!
Leave your comments below!

Marsha Before and After Pics!

Hi, My name is Marsha and I have lost 34lbs so far with the HCG Weight Loss Clinic. I went from a size 17/18 to a size 11/12 on my first 45 day round. And I'm not stoping there! During the diet I wasn't hungry and actually had more energy and a better attitude thanks to the HCG and Vitamin B12! I am amazed by how this diet has changed the way I look at foods! Lottie, Sara and Kelly were such a great support team during my journey! I appreciate what this clinic and the HCG have helped me achieve!

Kelly Before and After Pics!

I have tried every diet possible, including the prescription drugs. I would lose the weight, and gain it right back and then some! I have had a complete hysterectomy, appendicitis, my gallbladder has been removed, and a major back injury. It all just keeps piling up, including my weight!. I’m a person that wants to see results immediately or I get frustrated and give up. I thought I would just have to except the fact, that I’m going to be fat the rest of my life.

HOLLY COW! Was my first response when I saw a friend I haven’t seen for a few years! WHAT, HOW, WHEN, and sign me up! Forty Five days later, with the HCG Weight LOSS Clinic, I lost 43 lbs in 45 days! I went from a size 20 to a size 11. I still have a hard time believing it! The HCG Weight Loss Clinic was so supportive, professional, friendly and helped me will all my questions and if any, concerns. This is real and I am forever grateful to the HCG Weight Loss Clinic! I only have 30 more lbs to go to be at my High School weight!

Sara Before and After Pics!

Hi my name is Sara, I’m 37 years old. After my second child I gained 40 lbs. I have been on every diet imaginable. I could lose 20-30 lbs and than end up gaining it back EVERY TIME. When I first heard of the HCG diet, I thought it sounded to good to be true. So I started researching the HCG and then decided to approach my personal nurse practitioner. Come to find out she had been researching it for a year and had lost 50 lbs on this amazing diet. So we decided to open up a clinic together to help people with the same problem 1000’s of people struggle with every day... WEIGHT LOSS! I started the diet and lost 43 lbs in 45 days. Sounds to good to be true, but it is TRUE! Schedule your appointment TODAY by calling 406-753-LOSE, you won’t regret it.

Sara's Fennel Soup

12 cups water
5 teaspoons low sodium chicken base or bouillon
1 pound fennel chopped
10 stocks celery chopped
1/2 pound chicken
season to taste (I prefer organic no salt seasoning from cost-co)
let boil 15 minutes, enjoy