New Recipe - Amazing Chicken Tacos

Submitted By Katrina
OK I made these tonight for dinner and they were to die for! Mike and I both had hot tongues and runnny noses but WOW i would have paid money in a resterant for theses! ok promise me you will try it!! I know I am not supposed to mix the veggis but I had to use them up or throw them away.
3.5 ounces chicken
1/4 cup chicken broth
a strong dash or 2 garlic powder
3-4 shakes oregano
3 twists on the italian herb seasoning grinder
2 good shakes chili powder
half a teaspoon creole seasoning
2 good sized romaine lettuce leaves
a few slivers of onion and 4 slices tomatoe
put chicken broth in frying pan and add all the seasonings and a pinch of chopped onion. Use kitchen sissors to sliver/cube up you chicken, add to the pan and coat well. cook on high heat if liquid evaporates add a few tablespoons of water to re-liquify the seasonings off the bottom of the pan and continue to coat/stir the chicken in the seasonings till done. takes about 3 minutes. set your now wonderfully seasoned chicken aside off heat. take your nice big lettuce leaves and place on a plate. I took one extra leaf and shredded it up and put it in the big leaf and then placed half the chicken in the leaf. I sliced 2 slices of tomato and a slice of onion on top and a tablespoon HCG acceptable salsa on top AND REPEAT FOR THE REMAINING CHICKEN. 2 "TACOS" WAS SUPER FILLING AND WAY YUMMY

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