Kelly Before and After Pics!

I have tried every diet possible, including the prescription drugs. I would lose the weight, and gain it right back and then some! I have had a complete hysterectomy, appendicitis, my gallbladder has been removed, and a major back injury. It all just keeps piling up, including my weight!. I’m a person that wants to see results immediately or I get frustrated and give up. I thought I would just have to except the fact, that I’m going to be fat the rest of my life.

HOLLY COW! Was my first response when I saw a friend I haven’t seen for a few years! WHAT, HOW, WHEN, and sign me up! Forty Five days later, with the HCG Weight LOSS Clinic, I lost 43 lbs in 45 days! I went from a size 20 to a size 11. I still have a hard time believing it! The HCG Weight Loss Clinic was so supportive, professional, friendly and helped me will all my questions and if any, concerns. This is real and I am forever grateful to the HCG Weight Loss Clinic! I only have 30 more lbs to go to be at my High School weight!

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