New Recipe! Spicy Buffalo Steak Strips

Spicy buffalo steak strips

3.5 oz accetable steak sliced into finger width strips
Franks hot sauce
dash of pepper
dash of garlic powder
4 melba snack crackers(garlic flavored)
cut steak into strips and place in a small bowl with franks hot sauce and coat well. The more franks the hotter the less the milder. Then put your melba snacks into a food processor or blender and grind to a powder pour out your ground melba snacks in a bowl add a dash pepper and a dash garlic salt and stir. Take your well coated steak strips and gently coat in the melba crumb mixture and cook in fry pan on med-med high heat about 3 mins. be careful turning or all your crumb will fall off. if you pan is sticky I keep a small spray bottle of water nearby and mist the pan occasionally. Cause I like it spicy i sprinkle a few extra drops franks on top of the plate and place my strip in it and devour! Hope you like as well as I do! good luck and good cooking!
Submitted by Katrina

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