NEW RECIPE!!!! HCG Frappe'

Teresa told me I had to post this recipe for you, so here it is!!

It's for a sort of a frappe'

1 cup (6oz) coffee
1 packet Stevia
1 T marshmallow cream (Walden Farms)
1 T carmel (Walden Farms)

Place all in a blender and blend while adding ice and water until to the desired consistency.


New Recipe! Spicy Buffalo Steak Strips

Spicy buffalo steak strips

3.5 oz accetable steak sliced into finger width strips
Franks hot sauce
dash of pepper
dash of garlic powder
4 melba snack crackers(garlic flavored)
cut steak into strips and place in a small bowl with franks hot sauce and coat well. The more franks the hotter the less the milder. Then put your melba snacks into a food processor or blender and grind to a powder pour out your ground melba snacks in a bowl add a dash pepper and a dash garlic salt and stir. Take your well coated steak strips and gently coat in the melba crumb mixture and cook in fry pan on med-med high heat about 3 mins. be careful turning or all your crumb will fall off. if you pan is sticky I keep a small spray bottle of water nearby and mist the pan occasionally. Cause I like it spicy i sprinkle a few extra drops franks on top of the plate and place my strip in it and devour! Hope you like as well as I do! good luck and good cooking!
Submitted by Katrina

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New Recipe - Amazing Chicken Tacos

Submitted By Katrina
OK I made these tonight for dinner and they were to die for! Mike and I both had hot tongues and runnny noses but WOW i would have paid money in a resterant for theses! ok promise me you will try it!! I know I am not supposed to mix the veggis but I had to use them up or throw them away.
3.5 ounces chicken
1/4 cup chicken broth
a strong dash or 2 garlic powder
3-4 shakes oregano
3 twists on the italian herb seasoning grinder
2 good shakes chili powder
half a teaspoon creole seasoning
2 good sized romaine lettuce leaves
a few slivers of onion and 4 slices tomatoe
put chicken broth in frying pan and add all the seasonings and a pinch of chopped onion. Use kitchen sissors to sliver/cube up you chicken, add to the pan and coat well. cook on high heat if liquid evaporates add a few tablespoons of water to re-liquify the seasonings off the bottom of the pan and continue to coat/stir the chicken in the seasonings till done. takes about 3 minutes. set your now wonderfully seasoned chicken aside off heat. take your nice big lettuce leaves and place on a plate. I took one extra leaf and shredded it up and put it in the big leaf and then placed half the chicken in the leaf. I sliced 2 slices of tomato and a slice of onion on top and a tablespoon HCG acceptable salsa on top AND REPEAT FOR THE REMAINING CHICKEN. 2 "TACOS" WAS SUPER FILLING AND WAY YUMMY

Recipe of the Day! Spicy Asian Chicken

Spicy Asian Chicken
3.5 oz Shredded Boiled Chicken Breast and a Healthy Bunch of Chopped Celery Stewed in the following:

Tablespoon Minced Garlic

Strong Dash of Cayenne Pepper

Chopped Green Onions

Curry Powder (Add To Taste)

Water Enough to Float the Garlic

Cover and Simmer. Sprinkle with salt substitute and eat while celery is a bit crunchy

New Recipe- No-Egg Rolls

Egg rolls
1 big cabage leaf
1/2 c shredded cabbage
1/8 t onion powder
1/8 t garlic powder
1/8 t chinese 5 spice (i didnt have that so i used creole seasoning)
1/4 - 1/2 packet stevia (CALLS FOR A HALF i USED ABOUT A 1/4)
1 sesame flavored melba toast
3.5oz chopped chicken or shrimp

New Recipe - Katrina's Super Soup

Heres my Super yummy soup! I made this tonight and it was awesome~! Just wanted to share with everyone!
3.5oz amount of chicken breast
1/2 qt water
1/2tbs better then boullion chicken base
1/4 a large onion sliced
4 stalks celery sliced
a bag of miracle noodles rinsed well

Put water, boullion, celery, and onion in pot and bring to boil. Add chicken reduce heat to medium-med high simmer till veggis are tender and chicken is cooked. remove chicken and place in bowl. add miracle noodles and bring back to a boilfor a minute or 2. While boiling shred the chicken then top with the remaining soup. pepper to taste and super yummy!

We would love to hear your HCG story!

We would love to hear/share your stories and try your favorite HCG recipes!
Leave your comments below!

Marsha Before and After Pics!

Hi, My name is Marsha and I have lost 34lbs so far with the HCG Weight Loss Clinic. I went from a size 17/18 to a size 11/12 on my first 45 day round. And I'm not stoping there! During the diet I wasn't hungry and actually had more energy and a better attitude thanks to the HCG and Vitamin B12! I am amazed by how this diet has changed the way I look at foods! Lottie, Sara and Kelly were such a great support team during my journey! I appreciate what this clinic and the HCG have helped me achieve!

Kelly Before and After Pics!

I have tried every diet possible, including the prescription drugs. I would lose the weight, and gain it right back and then some! I have had a complete hysterectomy, appendicitis, my gallbladder has been removed, and a major back injury. It all just keeps piling up, including my weight!. I’m a person that wants to see results immediately or I get frustrated and give up. I thought I would just have to except the fact, that I’m going to be fat the rest of my life.

HOLLY COW! Was my first response when I saw a friend I haven’t seen for a few years! WHAT, HOW, WHEN, and sign me up! Forty Five days later, with the HCG Weight LOSS Clinic, I lost 43 lbs in 45 days! I went from a size 20 to a size 11. I still have a hard time believing it! The HCG Weight Loss Clinic was so supportive, professional, friendly and helped me will all my questions and if any, concerns. This is real and I am forever grateful to the HCG Weight Loss Clinic! I only have 30 more lbs to go to be at my High School weight!

Sara Before and After Pics!

Hi my name is Sara, I’m 37 years old. After my second child I gained 40 lbs. I have been on every diet imaginable. I could lose 20-30 lbs and than end up gaining it back EVERY TIME. When I first heard of the HCG diet, I thought it sounded to good to be true. So I started researching the HCG and then decided to approach my personal nurse practitioner. Come to find out she had been researching it for a year and had lost 50 lbs on this amazing diet. So we decided to open up a clinic together to help people with the same problem 1000’s of people struggle with every day... WEIGHT LOSS! I started the diet and lost 43 lbs in 45 days. Sounds to good to be true, but it is TRUE! Schedule your appointment TODAY by calling 406-753-LOSE, you won’t regret it.

Sara's Fennel Soup

12 cups water
5 teaspoons low sodium chicken base or bouillon
1 pound fennel chopped
10 stocks celery chopped
1/2 pound chicken
season to taste (I prefer organic no salt seasoning from cost-co)
let boil 15 minutes, enjoy